
Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Breast Enlargement - The Anatomy of an Implant

Breast enlargement is all about making your chest larger and more appealing in terms of its look and its feel. If you think your breasts are too small for your body then look to implants to improve the appearance of them.Implants are basically made up of three components. The outer layer is called the shell. It is also sometimes referred to as the lumen or the envelope. The filler is what the

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Have a Pink Kit baby

You're pregnant and sometime within the next 9 months, you will give birth to your child. Take a moment to think about your own life: your beliefs, religion, choices available about childbirth or lack of, health issues, what you've been taught about childbirth from your mother or father, your previous birth experiences and what you want for this birth. Then take a moment to look around you at your neighbors, work colleagues, or other women you pass on the street. What do you share in common with ALL these other women? You might find some similarities, yet you will probably focus more on the differences that exist.

Can you blink or cough? Can ALL those other women do the same? That's what we have in common…our human and universally shared human body. Using that 'of course' as a basis of thinking, know that there is a way for any woman to prepare for childbirth that teaches us about our birthing body. It's such common knowledge that you'll wonder way it you didn't know it before. That's why Common Knowledge Trust has produced The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™ resources. The main resource is The Pink Kit: Essential Preparations for your birthing body (multi-media: video, audio cassette and book) and The Companion Guide.

Now, let's take another leap of thought. Think about your choices about childbirth, what assessments, monitoring and procedures your birth professional is speaking with you about, your concerns about 'pain', possible pain relief options and even possibly having a non-labouring birth, or your health issues that might affect your birth choices and think about your Birth Plan. When you learn the skills in The Pink Kit, you can take those skills with you into whatever birth you find yourself having. Regardless of where or with whom you will birth or whatever is happening to you or around you, you will have another contraction. If you are having a non-labouring c/s then you can use these resources to prepare for the birth of your child anyway , thus giving you a deep sense of connection to the process of childbirth. If you are going to labour and give birth, you can learn the truly universal skills, which work. You'll still be breathing, so why not learn the Directed Breathing (the most natural way to breathe through contractions, particularly when they are intense). You'll still either be sitting, lying, standing or walking, so why not learn how to relax inside The Pelvic Clock as a focus to keep relaxed inside and how to Map Your Pelvis so you can find the positions that really keep you open, even if you have to stay in bed… or choose to.

Taking another leap of thought, consider your partner. As different women and men are, they still share the same human body. Using The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™, your partner can experience the same body knowledge. This helps fathers become the exceptional coaches at birth, you want them to be. At it's simplest, birth is moving an object (baby) through a tube (pelvis), opening a diaphragm (cervix) and opening an aperture (vagina). You are the container and you can use your mind to prepare those areas, keep them relaxed and mentally accept the sensations by using these skills; then your baby will come our of your body into your arms more easily. Fathers love the information. It's practical and works.

Taking yet another leap and think about labour. It's like driving on an unknown journey. The journey is unknown, even if you've taken it before… this one will be different, however, if you've already learned to drive the car, the journey will be easier. The Pink Kit is your driving manual. You can learn how to drive your vehicle (your body) through this unknown journey. Your partner can help you throughout as he learns the skills to keep you focused, relaxed and able to meet the challenge of the experience. He can help you reduce back labour with The Sacral Manoeuvre or relax tension in your hips and create space for your baby with The Hip Lift. He can help you prepare your 'aperture' so that it opens easily and heals rapidly. Many women who do a lot of the Internal Work, will tell you that they 'didn't feel like I had a baby' several hours after birth.

The hardest leap of thought is to consider all the issues around 'interventions' and 'natural' birth. Consider how the thousands upon thousands of couples who consider themselves Pink Kitters have experienced these complex issues and often part of an individual Birth Plan. Most couples who used this information have laboured in hospital where there would be heaps of assessments, monitoring and procedures. Personally, they will negotiate about their 'choices' with their birth professional or not. Health issues and the unexpected may change the Birth Plan. Regardless, couples prepared and then just 'did the work' in whatever situation they found themselves.

Because the woman used her skills to 'manage' her labour, staff would compliment her on how well she was 'coping' or 'doing'. Because the father also had the coaching skills to really help (speaking the common language and using the common touch) staff would tell him that they wished more fathers would be such great coaches. After the birth, the couple was complimented on 'what a good birth' they had and 'how lucky' they were. Couples tried to explain that their good birth was due to the preparations and skills they brought to the experience. Yet, staff often would tell them that really nothing they had done could have made a difference, because 'you never know what labour is going to be like'. These couples ALWAYS felt that they had had a natural birth. They realised that assessments, monitoring and procedures were being done; however, it was the way they had self managed and worked together that left them elated. To them, they had had a natural birth even around all the 'interventions.'

Become a Pink Kitter and reap the benefits for yourself and family. You will pass these skills on to your children. More importantly, all couples speak about the continued benefits: closer partner and parenting relationships. You and your partner can go into labour and birth feeling confident and capable. 'Do the work' and use the skills and always remember The Little Engine That Could….'I think I can, I think I can…I KNEW I could!'

It's an ideal gift to give at a baby shower. Ask your mother to get it for you. She'll tell you that she wished she had had this information when she had you and there are work-at-home opportunities by wholesaling the Kit in your local area.

Interesting Articles in the AJCN

I just received an RSS alert for the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition's latest articles. This upcoming issue is full of very interesting material:

1. Dr. Neil D. Barnard reviews food consumption patterns in the US from 1909 to 2007 (1). This is something I've written about a number of times. The most notable change is that industrial seed oil use has increased by more than 3-fold in the last 40 years, and even more in the last 100 although he doesn't provide those numbers. Butter and lard use declined sharply. Meat consumption is up, but the increase comes exclusively from poultry because we're eating the same amount of red meat we always have. Grain consumption is down, although it peaked around 1900 so it may not be a fair comparison with today:
In the late 1800s, wheat flours became more popular and available due to the introduction of new [high-gluten] wheat varieties, [low extraction] milling techniques, and transport methods, and during this time new breakfast cereals were introduced by John Harvey Kellogg, CW Post, and the Quaker Oats Company. Thereafter, however, per capita availability of flour and cereal products gradually dropped as increased prosperity, improved mechanization, and transport (eg, refrigerated railway cars) increased competition from other food groups. [Then they partially rebounded in the last 40 years]
2. Dr. S.C. Larsson published a paper showing that in Sweden, multivitamin use is associated with a slightly higher risk of breast cancer (2).

3. Soy protein and isoflavones, which have been proposed to do everything from increase bone mineral density to fight cancer, are slowly falling out of favor. Dr. Z.M. Liu and colleagues show that soy protein and/or isoflavone supplementation has no effect on insulin sensitivity or glucose tolerance in a 6 month trial (3). This follows a recent trial showing that isoflavones have no effect on bone mineral density.

4. Dr. Ines Birlouez-Aragon and colleagues showed that high-heat cooked (fried and sauteed) foods increase risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease (insulin resistance, cholesterol, triglycerides), compared to low-heat cooked foods (steamed, stewed) in a one-month trial (4). The high-heat diet also reduced serum levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins C and E.

5. Dr. Katharina Nimptsch and colleagues showed that higher menaquinone (vitamin K2) intake is associated with a lower cancer incidence and lower cancer mortality in Europeans (5). Most of their K2 came from cheese.

6. And finally, Dr. Zhaoping Li and colleagues showed that cooking meat with an herb and spice blend reduced the levels of oxidized fat during cooking, and reduced serum and urinary markers of lipid oxidation in people eating the meat (6).

The take-home message? Eat stewed beef with herbs, but don't pre-brown it in vegetable oil. Throw out the tofu and have some artisanal cheese instead.

Swine Flu Virus Not So New, Study Finds

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The H1N1 swine flu virus may have been new to humanity in many ways but in one key feature its closest relative was the 1918 pandemic virus, researchers reported on Wednesday. Their findings could point to better ways to design vaccines and help explain why the swine flu pandemic largely spared the elderly. "This study defines an unexpected similarity between two

High Protein Diet - Top High Protein Low Carbohydrate Foods For Lean Muscles

Protein is most essential of all the nutrients which help a person in building lean muscles. Without protein, the muscle and tissues cannot grow. A high protein diet does not only help to build muscles but also keeps a body healthier. This diet should be low in carbohydrate as it has saturated or trans-fat in it. A person must eat proteins like egg, milk, meat and cheese and he must avoid carbohydrates like potatoes, bread, pasta or rice which will make the body bloated.

Here is a diet which contains high protein and low carbohydrate to build lean muscles:

1. Milk- Milk is considered to have a complete protein which helps in building muscles. Drinking milk is a great way to achieve your daily protein target. A person must take milk in skimmed form. He should drink 2 cups of skim milk in a day which does not contain any trans-fat. It helps to speed up the muscle recovery after lot of workout.

2. Eggs- This is a healthy source of supplement and has a very high protein in it. Egg protein has an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients that feed the muscles and tissues to become stronger. The egg white contains 0 grams of fat. So the egg white is an excellent form of protein.

3. Fish- This is one of the best sources of protein. It helps a person to gain weight and build muscles rapidly. Fish must be eaten after baking it properly and should be taken 2-3 times a week. It also contains a very high amount of 3-omega fatty acids which is very helpful to build muscles.

4. Red meat- Another high protein diet is red meat. This meat is extremely lean and has a great source of protein. It contains iron and vitamins that can help for growth of muscles.

Dr Oz's High Fiber Diet - Top 3 Low Fat High Fiber Weight Loss Diets by Dr Oz

Dr. Oz is a well known heart surgeon and suggests that a low fat diet is very good for heart as it has low cholesterol. The world cancer research fund has surveyed that this kind of diet is very good to prevent cancer and also helps in losing weight. To maintain a healthy body, low fat diet is essential for a human being to stay away from several diseases.

Taking fiber in your diet is very important for a good health. The best sources of fiber are vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and whole grain foods. It has many benefits such as improving blood sugar control, reducing cholesterol, and lowering risk of heart disease. This will have a positive effect on the digestive system.

The five food that a person need to avoid while having a balanced diet. These are as follows:

· Trans-fats · Saturated fat · Sugar · Anything that is 'Enriched' · High fructose corn syrup
According to Dr. Oz, an individual can opt for low fat high fiber diet, but need to incorporate the following points

· Intake plenty of water. At least 8-10 glasses/day should be taken. · You should take small portions of meals and that too on time. Dr. Oz recommends eating after every 3 hours that will keep your blood sugar even. The meal should have low calorie high fiber diet which can be helpful in cutting down the body fat. · Exercise regularly and taking plenty of rest is necessary. · Add lots of fruits and vegetables to your diet. · Fiber must be added to your diet, as it will also help to reduce risk of colon cancer. · You should stop taking caffeine in your diet. · Add green tea to your diet instead of tea or coffee. · Eliminate sugar from your diet. · Oily foods must be ignored.

To conclude, one must follow this diet properly to maintain a healthy body and lose body weight quickly. It also strengthens the immune system of the body and tones the body shape, thereby providing best physique to an individual.

Work on you r odds

Just about every time we pick up a newspaper or a magazine we find a do or don't article regarding our health. There are articles on preventing cancer, heart trouble, high blood pressure and many more aliments. On other pages you will find an equal number of articles telling you what is wrong with most of the food we eat. It is a catch 22 syndrome with most of us not knowing what is right or what is wrong.

After much research and some common sense thinking I have come up with my own code of good health living requirements. Since I have reached the ripe young age of almost 77 years and my primary care doctor is not getting rich from my semi-annual visits, I have come up with a plan that will give you greater odds for living a long and healthy life.

The first thing you need to do is "move." No, not to another location, but to exercise in some small way every day, walking is great, jumping on an small indoor trampoline, (which I try to do everyday,) doing some vigorous household activity or go to the gym. Do something that requires at least 30 minutes of active movement every day and you will lower your risk for just about everything.

Every time you exercise you reduce the production of free radical cells in your body. Many diseases come from an accumulation of free radicals, these cells work on making your good cells become dysfunctional.

Use the stairs instead of an elevator, park farther away at work or when you shop, take a brisk walk around the block at lunchtime, do something to get you and your body moving.

Eat a salad and some fruit each day. Fruits and vegetables are great antioxidant fighters, blueberries, strawberries, spinach and red and green peppers are high in antioxidants. You can lower you risk of heart disease and certain cancers just by eating at least 3 servings of veggies each day and that is not hard to do.

Watch your weight. Being healthy means not being overweight, by watching the portions you eat, you can lose even those awful five pounds you have been trying to lose for years. Obesity can cause heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and many other diseases. Think smaller and not larger portions and you will be healthier.

Omega-3 fatty acid is of great benefit in preventing many diseases, again helping to prevent heart disease, diabetes and others. Fish is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids and if you are not too fond of fish, walnuts, almonds, and flaxseed are good sources along with omega-3 supplements, if all else fails.

Wear your seat belt. Now how is that going to make you live a long and healthier life? By keeping you alive in case of an accident on the road, about 55 percent of the people killed in accidents were not wearing their seatbelts. Keep in mind the life you save, may very well be your own.

Eat whole grains like oatmeal for breakfast. Whole grain bread, brown rice and air-popped popcorn are also good for you. Whole grains along with fruit and vegetables can delay the onset of osteoporosis, heart disease and even dementia. Eating oatmeal or another multi-grain cereal for breakfast can help you to lose weight and keep it off, as it has been proven that those who eat a good breakfast tend to eat less during the rest of the day.

Learn to relax, take a deep breath and sit for at least 10 minutes each day. You deserve to relax and your body needs to relax, even if it is for 10 minutes. Stress is a silent killer and your body needs to have an opportunity to sit and do nothing. Take time to think about some of your favorite things, your garden, a book you are reading, listen to some soothing music, do something that is relaxing for you and takes away the stress and strain of the day for at least for a few minutes.

Stay smoke free! Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths. Smoking is linked to at least fifteen different types of cancers and it also leads to heart disease and osteoporosis. Yes, giving up smoking can be hard, but would you rather be living a healthy life and live longer or finding yourself huffing and puffing after climbing a few steps because you could not give up that cigarette?

Get enough sleep. Did you know that night owls (those who do not think they need to sleep) are at a greater risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and a long list of other things. Us chickens, those who feel that when it is dark, we need to go to our roost and sleep will stay much healthier. Fewer than five hours a night is not good, you put your whole body at risk and who, for heaven sakes can function on five hours or less and do a good job.

Most research has shown that the average person needs between 7 ½ to 8 ½ hours each night and should get that amount on a regular basis. If you are getting the proper amount of sleep for you and your body, you will not need an alarm clock to wake up at your regular time.

Keep your bedroom an oasis for sleep, leave your work on the dining room table along with the laptop computer and let your bedroom be a place to relax and sleep.

Well, that is it for now, this is my code of requirements that has kept me very healthy for 77 years and has made my odds for living a longer and healthier life a good one. I wish you a long and healthy life and just for fun, put one or two of my ideas into practice in your life and see how much better you feel.

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

This Is What Happens When You Don't Read The Bill!

I guess someone forgot to tell the administration and those who voted for health insurance reform to actually read the bill. The current bill signed into law yesterday does not, in fact, provide guaranteed-issue health insurance coverage from children this year, sort of. I assume this will be fixed but we will have to wait and see.Gap in law for children's healthcare protection

Make Your Pregnancy A Healthy One

Congratulations! You're pregnant! Now, let's get down to business. According to the National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC), everything you do in the next nine months, from what you eat to what you drink to how physically active you are and what you weigh, has the potential to affect your child's current and future growth.

In fact, a new report by NWHRC explores the growing body of research that finds conditions in utero (i.e., while you're pregnant) have the potential to affect your child's health even decades down the road.

For instance, one study found that women who drink during pregnancy could increase their child's risk of alcohol addiction later in life, even with just one drinking binge. Other studies suggest significant correlations between a mother's nutrition during pregnancy and her child's risk for being overweight and developing diabetes and heart disease later in life.

The message? Eat right today and prevent future health problems for your child.

There are two components to "eating right" when you're pregnant. One is the type of food you're eating, and the other is how much weight you gain.

For many women, pregnancy is the first time in their lives when gaining weight is a good thing-but don't go overboard. You do not need to consume any more calories than your normal daily intake during your first trimester. After the first 12 weeks, you may consume up to 300 extra calories per day.

If you are of normal weight when you get pregnant, you should gain between 25 and 35 pounds. Limit weight gain to no more than five to 10 pounds in the first 20 weeks, and about a pound per week for the remainder of your pregnancy.

Doctors strongly suggest, however, that if you are overweight, to try and lose some weight before you get pregnant. Women who are overweight have a higher risk of emergency cesarean, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and miscarriage. There is also a greater risk of delivery complications.

Your health care professional will help you determine where you fall on the weight scale during your first prenatal visit.

As always, talk to your health care professional about any special dietary concerns (if you're vegetarian or vegan, for example).

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Are You Looking for Signs of Infertility?

Trying to conceive is a difficult process for many people. The reason is that there are many factors involved in conception. You cannot tell if you or your partner is infertile unless you visit a doctor. There are a number of medical tests that your doctor can perform to detect infertility. There are also methods and products that the doctor can prescribe to help in conceiving a child.

One procedure a doctor can perform is to test the cervical mucus. Cervical mucus plays an essential role in conception, as it enables the sperm to make it all the way to the egg. The sperm are unable to do this if there is little or no cervical mucus present. Another factor involving cervical mucus is that it could be too acidic. It is necessary for the mucus to be alkaline. If it is acidic, it will kill the sperm before they reach the egg.

When a doctor checks the cervical mucus, he/she will look at the whether it is clear or curdled. If it is curdled, there is little to no chance of conception. If the mucus is clear and somewhat sticky, chances of conception are good.

Before you start to think about the possibility that you or your partner might be infertile, make sure that you have been having unprotected (natural method) sex over a number of months, or up to a year. Conception can take a long time, even for couples who have no troubles with infertility. Often, a couple may have unprotected sex for 8 or 10 months before conception takes place.

Once you have given yourselves this waiting period, if conception still has not occurred, visit your doctor for what steps you should take next. Try not to worry - focus on the many tests and procedures available to help you and your partner become parents of a beautiful baby.

New Review of Controlled Trials Replacing Saturated fat with Industrial Seed Oils

Readers Stanley and JBG just informed me of a new review paper by Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and colleagues. Dr. Mozaffarian is one of the Harvard epidemiologists responsible for the Nurse's Health study. The authors claim that overall, the controlled trials show that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat from industrial seed oils, but not carbohydrate or monounsaturated fat (as in olive oil), slightly reduces the risk of having a heart attack:
These findings provide evidence that consuming PUFA in place of SFA reduces CHD events in RCTs [how do you like the acronyms?]. This suggests that rather than trying to lower PUFA consumption, a shift toward greater population PUFA consumption in place of SFA would significantly reduce rates of CHD.
Looking at the studies they included in their analysis (and at those they excluded), it looks like they did a very nice job cherry picking. For example:
  • They included the Finnish Mental Hospital trial, which is a terrible trial for a number of reasons. It wasn't randomized, appropriately controlled or even semi-blinded*. Thus, it doesn't fit the authors' stated inclusion criteria, but they included it in their analysis anyway**. Besides, the magnitude of the result has never been replicated by better trials, not even close.
  • They included two trials that changed more than just the proportion of SFA to PUFA. For example, the Oslo Diet-heart trial replaced animal fat with seed oils, but also increased fruit, nut, vegetable and fish intake, while reducing trans fat margarine intake! The STARS trial increased both omega-6 and omega-3, reduced processed food intake, and increased fruit and vegetable intake! These obviously aren't controlled trials isolating the issue of dietary fat substitution. If you subtract the four inappropriate trials from their analysis, which is half the studies they analyzed, the result disappears. Those four just happened to show the largest reduction in heart attack mortality...
  • They excluded the Rose et al. corn oil trial and the Sydney Diet-heart trial. Both found a large increase in total mortality from replacing animal fat with seed oils, and the Rose trial found a large increase in heart attack deaths (the Sydney trial didn't report CHD deaths, but Dr. Mozaffarian et al. stated in their paper that they contacted authors to obtain unpublished results. Why didn't they contact the authors of this study?).
The authors claim, based on their analysis, that replacing 5% of calories as saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat would reduce the risk of having a heart attack by 10%. Take a minute to think about the implications of that statement. For the average American, that means cutting saturated fat nearly in half to 6% of energy, which is a real challenge if you want to have a semblance of a normal diet. It also means nearly doubling PUFA intake, which will come mostly from seed oils if you follow the authors' advice.

So basically, even if the authors' conclusion were correct, you overhaul your whole diet and replace natural foods with bland unnatural foods, and...? You reduce your 10-year risk of having a heart attack from 10 percent to 9 percent. Without affecting your overall risk of dying! The paper states that the interventions didn't affect overall mortality at all. That's what they're talking about here. Sign me up!

* Autopsies were not conducted in a blinded manner. Physicians knew which hospital the cadavers came from, because autopsies were done on-site. There is some confusion about this point because the second paper states that physicians interpreted the autopsy reports in a blinded manner. But that doesn't make it blinded, since the autopsies weren't blinded. The patients were also not blinded, so the study overall was highly susceptible to bias.

** They refer to it as "cluster randomized". I don't know if that term accurately applies to the Finnish trial or not. The investigators definitely didn't randomize the individual patients: whichever hospital a person was being treated in, that's the food he/she ate. There were only two hospitals, so "cluster randomization" in this case would just refer to deciding which hospital got the intervention first. Can this accurately be called randomized?

Impact - MLRs (Medical Loss Ratios)

I am watching President Obama sign the new health insurance (care) reform bill on CNN. I wanted to share some things I have heard recently that may eventually impact the number of carriers in California selling individual and family plans either through exchanges or privately, or both.While carriers (insurance companies) can boast an overall MLR (medical loss ratio) above 85%, this number is

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Discussions about Birth Control

Birth Control is a controversial issue no matter how looked at, as it is the taking of one or more extra precautions, devices, or most popularly medications that are followed in order to purposely prevent or reduce the likelihood of pregnancy after sexual intercourse. The major controversy here lies I think in the underlying issue of abstinence over sex for pleasure.

It is being said that in today's society that these methods of birth control are considered to be an essential component of family planning. The idea of birth control is to prevent initial fertalization, rather then get into a situation of abortion, which is actuality the termination of an already established pregnancy.

Controversy is everywhere but more so in the methods of birth control which actually prevent the implantation of an embryo if fertalization occurs, which is commonly known as the "morning after pill". Family planning facilities have greatly helped to reduce the birth rates in developing countries which has many advantages. In the past the most common forms of birth control were barrier methods, which we know today as "condoms", but also the attempt to have intercourse with a woman during a "non-fertile" time. The latter method might have proved to be a good idea, however, it wasn't until the early 20th century that scientists were actually able to sort out the rhythm of the menstrual cycle, with that and the inconsistencies in every individual meant that this method was completely unreliable.

If Birth Control is an issue on your mind, I would recommend talking more time to research and figure out what it means to you, and which method is right for your individual situation.

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Health Insurance Reform Has Passed

In a very close vote, HR 3590 was passed this evening 219-212.

Pregnancy And Hair Loss

First of all congratulations on your pregnancy!

One of the major changes is change with the hair like other parts of the bd. It could thin or fall out, or it could also thicken. Understanding why this happens during pregnancy and what you can do to help the problem will help you in fighting the thinning and loss of your hair or with extra hair growth.

Hormones have lot of effects on your hair. The main reason your hair will change during pregnancy is the change in hormones. Estrogen plays a large part in the way that your hair is shaped. If your hair begins to grow faster and becomes thicker, it is most likely because there is an increased amount of estrogen that is moving through your body. Estrogen moves to the hair follicles in your body to increase the growth rate. There will also be extra nutrients that are provided from the estrogen increase, which will also increase hair growth. This is usually a result of the estrogen allowing the metabolism to move faster, which then supplies extra nutrients throughout the body.

Another change that you may notice from pregnancy is a change in the style. Your hair may not only be fuller or thinner, but may also change from straight to curly, or have the opposite effect. This is usually attributed to the hormone changes as well. The hormone increase that you experience will automatically move into the cortex, where hair begins to grow and add the texture to it. Usually, this will not change back until the hormones return to normal after pregnancy.

These same changes also occur after your baby is born. You may realize that your hair is thinning or falling out. Usually, the first three to six months after pregnancy will cause a change in your hair. This should be expected and is normal after a pregnancy. This usually occurs because the estrogen levels are able to move back to normal and slow down the nutrients that are moving through your body.

If your hair falls out during pregnancy, it's because of not receiving the nutrients your body needs. Without those essential nutrients, your body is unable to produce the amount of estrogen it needs. One of the things to be aware of is if your hair falls out during your pregnancy. If this occurs, it is most likely a result of not receiving enough nutrients for your body to produce the right amounts of estrogen. This is especially a problem within the first trimester because of morning sickness and nausea. It is important to make sure that you are getting the right amounts of nutrients during this time to allow your body to stay balanced.

Knowing what changes your body goes through during pregnancy will help you adjust your hair routine to keep it healthy. Additional vitamins and other supplements will help your hair and scalp healthy and your hair beautiful.

Health Insurance Reform - What To Expect

Happy Sunday to you all. I am watching the House vote and waiting for the final determination on the Health Insurance (Health Care) Reform Bill.Since I have received many questions concerning changes I thought I'd quickly summarize here what to expect initially if/when this Bill is passed and signed into law today.During the first year you can expect:Pre-Existing Conditions - The Bill includes

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

Announcing Your Pregnancy

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant it becomes difficult to think of something else. This results in the woman being anxious to announce the exciting news with other people specially the partner. There has been a lot of controversy on the best time to make an announcement about pregnancy. While choosing how and when to make an announcement of pregnancy it is necessary to know the advantages and disadvantages of proper timing. Moreover one can choose creative ways to reveal the secret.

Sharing news early

If one shares the news early the main advantage is that there is a lot of support from near and dear ones. One can share ones joy with others. While making decisions a lot of people comes foreword to help the pregnant mother. A lot of time is available for advice and choose the best medical professional. There is overwhelming support in case of miscarriage. The main disadvantage of breaking the news early is that there may be overwhelming advice. A lot of explanation needs to be done in case of miscarriage. The news of miscarriage may reach friends and other family members before even reaching the mother.

Announcement decisions

It is the decision of the mother to whom else to announce the big news apart from spouse, parents and siblings. One should be careful of whom one tells. Telling ones partner is the first brings a sense of belonging and a bond with the child. After the spouse the other people who should know are the parents. They can help in future planning, offer advice and rejoice like no other person.

Choosing the way one shares the news matters a lot. It is fun to share the good news in a more creative and memorable way. Arranging for a romantic dinner is the best way to surprise and make the news memorable. Even in case of the delicacies baby food can be served. Another way is to go out for a movie and watch a baby movie like Nine month and Junior. The good news can be written in a piece of paper and inserted in the DVD. A t-shirt with Daddy written can be provided apart from a baby keychain, baby book and other baby items.

Telling family and friends

The good news can be sent in a card with a name chosen and a sonogram. This depends on how close the friends are. Another way of showing is a photograph of the woman and the husband without showing the belly.

Fatty Liver: It's not Just for Grown-ups Anymore

The epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of my favorite topics on this blog, due to the liver's role as the body's metabolic "grand central station", as Dr. Philip Wood puts it. The liver plays a critical part in the regulation of sugar, insulin, and lipid levels in the blood. Many of the routine blood tests administered in the doctor's office (blood glucose, cholesterol, etc.) partially reflect liver function.

NAFLD is an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver that impairs its function and can lead to severe liver inflammation (NASH), and in a small percentage of people, liver cancer. An estimated 20-30% of people in industrial nations suffer from NAFLD, a shockingly high prevalence (1).

I previously posted on dietary factors I believe are involved in NAFLD. In rodents, feeding a large amount of sugar or industrial seed oils (corn oil, etc.) promotes NAFLD, whereas fats such as butter and coconut oil do not (2). In human infants, enteric feeding with industrial seed oils causes severe liver damage, whereas the same amount of fat from fish oil doesn't, and can even reverse the damage done by seed oils (3).

So basically, I think sugar and industrial oils are major contributors to NAFLD, and if you look at diet trends in the US over the last 40 years, they're consistent with the idea. Industrial oils are harmful due (at least in part) to their high omega-6 content, which is problematic partially because it disturbs normal omega-3 metabolism. A potential solution to fatty liver is to reduce sugar, replace industrial oils with natural fats, and ensure a regular source of omega-3. I've posted two anecdotes of people rapidly healing their fatty livers using diet changes* (4, 5).

I recently came across a study that examined the diet of Canadian children with NAFLD (6). The children had a high sugar intake, a typical (i.e., high) omega-6 intake, and a low omega-3 intake. The authors claimed that the children also had a high saturated fat intake, but at 10.5% of calories, they were almost eating to the American Heart Association's "Step I" diet recommendations**. Busted! Total fat intake was also low.

High sugar consumption was associated with a larger waist circumference, insulin resistance, lower adiponectin and elevated markers of inflammation. High omega-6 intake was associated with markers of inflammation. Low omega-3 intake was associated with insulin resistance and elevated liver enzymes. Saturated fat intake presumably had no relation to any of these markers, since they didn't mention it in the text.

These children with NAFLD, who were all insulin resistant and mostly obese, had diets high in omega-6, high in sugar, and low in omega-3. This is consistent with the idea that these three factors, which have all been moving in the wrong direction in the last 40 years, contribute to NAFLD.

* Fatty liver was assessed by liver enzymes, admittedly not a perfect test. However, elevated liver enzymes do correlate fairly well with NAFLD.

** Steps I and II were replaced by new diet advice in 2000. The AHA now recommends keeping saturated fat below 7% of calories. Stock up on those skinless chicken breasts! Make sure there isn't any residual fat sticking to the meat, it might kill you. I do have to give the AHA credit however, because their new recommendations focus mostly on eating real food rather than avoiding saturated fat and cholesterol.

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Tips for Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

You probably already know how important it is to eat a well-balanced diet, but it is even more important when you are pregnant. Keep in mind now you are eating for two. Whatever you eat, the baby eats as well. In fact the baby actually takes your nourishments so you must eat enough for both of you. The healthier you eat the better it is for the pregnancy and you.

Never miss a meal while you are pregnant, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and your baby has probably been waiting since he/she woke up in the middle of the night. You may learn that if you wait so long before eating you start to feel sick, this is your body telling you to eat. Do it!

Make sure you are getting enough of the food you need daily. It takes 4-6 servings of dairy produce a day for a healthy pregnancy, this can include some cheeses, milk, yogurt. This provides the baby with calcium which it'll need to develop healthy growing bones. Adding extra calcium to your diet wouldn't hurt you either, especially your teeth and bones.

Don't forget about your fruit and vegetable servings. Lots of green is always a good choice, so are sweet potatoes. Not only will you be giving your body what it needs but you'll start to have more energy. Try laying off the sweets for a week and replace them with healthier items and see how alive you feel.

Foods to Avoid Not all foods are safe during your pregnancy, there are a few things you should avoid eating:

- unpasteurized products- brie and other soft cheeses if unpateurized.

- Certain fish- exotic, shark, swordfish, anything potentially high in mercury

- Raw eggs

- Undercooked meats- lunch meats. If you are buying a deli sandwich you can ask for them to heat the meat up a little.

- Caffeine- soda, chocolate. If you find this difficult you can wean yourself off, but the less caffeine in your system the better it is for the baby.

If you are ever unsure of the foods you can eat, you can ask your doctor for a list of items to avoid during pregnancy. They'll be more than happy to share this with you.

You may also learn that your stomach won't handle certain foods that it would before. Some of those foods may include foods that contain grease, fast foods, meat, and certain foods that have a strong odor.

Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to cut out all the fun in your life, you can still treat yourself from time to time. Go out and get a frozen yogurt or a smoothie.

While you are making sure you get enough to eat throughout the day, that doesn't mean neglecting your fluid intake. You'll need lots of water and juices from here on out. The baby will thank you later. Who knows, you may discover that you really enjoy eating healthier meals and continue it even after the pregnancy.

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Fitness While Pregnant - Is It Safe?

For many years it was believed that once a woman became pregnant she should just lounge on the couch and rest for hours on end, each and every day. After numerous clinical studies it was found that most women should do quite the opposite.

In most cases, women should continue with their daily routines, and if they are not doing so already, they should begin a regular daily fitness regimen.

It has been found that exercising during pregnancy has numerous beneficial effects. Exercising will give you more energy and stamina, increase your confidence, and give you the extra strength you need for delivering your newborn.

A daily fitness regimen performed by the mother-to-be during pregnancy has also been found to produce a healthier and stronger baby.

An added bonus for those of you dreading those long hours of child labor is that regular exercise during pregnancy has been known to reduce the time frame for this process by about a third. This in itself is a great motivating factor, since every hour spent in labor can seem like a much longer period of time.

While exercise will undoubtedly help you obtain all these wonderful benefits, there are some guidelines you should follow:

Always consult our physician before beginning any diet and/or exercise regimen. This is to ensure you will be able to do this without causing harm to yourself and your recovering body.

Always start out slowly. Try several activities and do not attempt to perform very strenuous exercises or spend too much time at the gym. Find some exercises or activities you like and enjoy and do them regularly, but try not to exceed more than 30 minutes at a time. If you begin to feel exerted or worn out, stop exercising immediately and rest for a while. The whole purpose of exercising is to help maintain good health and self esteem, not injure or endanger yourself or your unborn.

Avoid high altitudes, extreme humidity, or especially warm temperatures when exercising. Getting overheated is not beneficial to you or our baby, and it could actually cause harm. Be sure you drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated.

Monitor your heart rate, your breathing, and your pulse. This will allow you to observe your progress and notice any limitations you may need to be aware of. Knowing this information and making a note of it while exercising could assist your physician in diagnosing any problems or potential hazards you may face.

While you are in your final trimester, try to avoid any bouncing, jumping, or running. These activities can potentially cause injury to you or your unborn child.

Pregnancy causes many changes for any woman, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Be sure you communicate openly with your partner and your doctor. Keep all of your limitations in mind and never try to exercise more than is reasonable for your stage of pregnancy.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Consumption of Wine is Safe in Pregnancy

There have been many articles written about the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. And there have many debates and researches that referred to this issue.

Some experts say moderate drinking during pregnancy is okay, but there are others who believe taking even one drink is like very dangerous for the baby's health.

The thing that is not debatable is that whatever women eat or drink while pregnant goes directly through your bloodstream into the placenta so literally if a pregnant woman takes a drink -- a glass of wine, a beer or a cocktail -- the unborn child takes the same.

For the unborn child, the alcohol interferes with his ability to get enough oxygen and nourishment for normal cell development in the brain and other body organs. Research has shown that a developing foetus has very little tolerance for alcohol and infants born to mothers who drink during pregnancy can have serious problems. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a pattern of mental and physical defects which develops in some unborn babies when the mother drinks "too much" alcohol during pregnancy. A baby born with FAS, or even with the lesser Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE), can have serious handicaps and therefore could require a lifetime of special care. There is even some research that indicates that women who plan to get pregnant should stop drinking before they even conceive.

The debate raised by the Department of Health is about how much is "too much" because until now it was said that the only safe limit is no alcohol at all. The Department of Health said that pregnant women and those hoping to conceive can safely drink up to two glasses of wine a week without harming the foetus.

Dr Raja Mukherjee, an expert on the disorder who works at St George's hospital medical school in Tooting, London, called for pregnant women to cut out alcohol completely, and said the UK's binge drinking habits were of particular concern: "There is an increasing literature of evidence, however, to suggest that binge drinking as well as low doses of alcohol can cause damage."

The Department of Health said the research cited at the conference had been reviewed in March as part of the government's alcohol harm reduction strategy, and that the two units a week limit was considered to be safe.

Visit Vintage Roots at http://www.vintageroots.co.uk , for organic wines.

Book Review: The Primal Blueprint

Mark Sisson has been a central figure in the evolutionary health community since he began his weblog Mark's Daily Apple in 2006. He and his staff have been posting daily on his blog ever since. He has also written several other books, edited the Optimum Health newsletter, competed as a high-level endurance athlete, and served on the International Triathlon Union as the anti-doping chairman, all of which you can read about on his biography page. Mark is a practice-what-you-preach kind of guy, and if physical appearance means anything, he's on to something.

In 2009, Mark published his long-awaited book The Primal Blueprint. He self-published the book, which has advantages and disadvantages. The big advantage is that you aren't subject to the sometimes onerous demands of publishers, who attempt to maximize sales at Barnes and Noble. The front cover sports a simple picture of Mark, rather than a sunbaked swimsuit model, and the back cover offers no ridiculous claims of instant beauty and fat loss.

The drawback of self-publishing is it's more difficult to break into a wider market. That's why Mark has asked me to publish my review of his book today. He's trying to push it up in the Amazon.com rankings so that it gets a broader exposure. If you've been thinking about buying Mark's book, now is a good time to do it. If you order it from Amazon.com on March 17th, Mark is offering to sweeten the deal with some freebies on his site Mark's Daily Apple. Full disclosure: I'm not getting anything out of this, I'm simply mentioning it because I was reviewing Mark's book anyway and I thought some readers might enjoy it.

The Primal Blueprint is not a weight loss or diet book, it's a lifestyle program with an evolutionary slant. Mark uses the example of historical and contemporary hunter-gatherers as a model, and attempts to apply those lessons to life in the 21st century. He does it in a way that's empowering accessible to nearly everyone. To illustrate his points, he uses the example of an archetypal hunter-gatherer called Grok, and his 21st century mirror image, the Korg family.

The diet section will be familiar to anyone who has read about "paleolithic"-type diets. He advocates eating meats including organs, seafood, eggs, nuts, abundant vegetables, and fruit. He also suggests avoiding grains, legumes, dairy (although he's not very militant about this one), processed food in general, and reducing carbohydrate to less than 150 grams per day. I like his diet suggestions because they focus on real food. Mark is not a drill sergeant. He tries to create a plan that will be sustainable in the long run, by staying positive and allowing for cheats.

We part ways on the issue of carbohydrate. He suggests that eating more than 150 grams of carbohydrate per day leads to fat gain and disease, whereas I feel that position is untenable in light of what we know of non-industrial cultures (including some relatively high-carbohydrate hunter-gatherers). Although carbohydrate restriction (or at least wheat and sugar restriction) does have its place in treating obesity and metabolic dysfunction in modern populations, ultimately I don't think it's necessary for the prevention of those same problems, and it can even be counterproductive in some cases. Mark does acknowledge that refined carbohydrates are the main culprits.

The book's diet section also recommends nutritional supplements, including a multivitamin/mineral, antioxidant supplement, probiotics, protein powder and fish oil. I'm not a big proponent of supplementation. I'm also a bit of a hypocrite because I do take small doses of fish oil (when I haven't had seafood recently), and vitamin D in wintertime. But I can't get behind protein powders and antioxidant supplements.

Mark's suggestions for exercise, sun exposure, sleep and stress management make good sense to me. In a nutshell: do all three, but keep the exercise varied and don't overdo it. As a former high-level endurance athlete, he has a lot of credibility here. He puts everything in a format that's practical, accessible and empowering.

I think The Primal Blueprint is a useful book for a person who wants to maintain or improve her health. Although we disagree on the issue of carbohydrate, the diet and lifestyle advice is solid and will definitely be a vast improvement over what the average person is doing. The Primal Blueprint is not an academic book, nor does it attempt to be. It doesn't contain many references (although it does contain some), and it won't satisfy someone looking for an in-depth discussion of the scientific literature. However, it's perfect for someone who's getting started and needs guidance, or who simply wants a more comprehensive source than reading blog snippets. It would make a great gift for that family member or friend who's been asking how you stay in such good shape.

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

A New Family Planning Alternative

Deciding when their family is the right size-or how to make sure it stays that size-is a personal decision that many women may find easier to make in the years to come.

For women who have decided that they do not want any more children and feel ready for a permanent form of birth control, "getting your tubes tied," or tubal ligation, is no longer the only option.

A new office-based procedure known as the Essure procedure is quickly replacing the old operation and is covered by most insurance plans.

During the procedure, a tiny, soft spring, called a micro-insert, is placed into each fallopian tube. The body's natural response causes tissue to grow into the micro-inserts, blocking sperm from reaching the egg. This tissue growth takes about three months and additional birth control must be used during this time.

After three months, a special X-ray test verifies that the system is working.

Choosing this advanced procedure offers many benefits. There are no incisions, it does not contain hormones, it can be performed in a doctor's office with minimal anesthesia and it's permanent. The procedure takes about 15 minutes to complete and most women return to normal activities within a day or two.

More than 63,000 women worldwide have already had the procedure and clinical studies have reported high safety and patient satisfaction. After many years of clinical study, no pregnancies have been reported when the micro-insert is placed correctly. While no method of birth control is 100 percent effective, the procedure's effectiveness rate is 99.80 percent with four years of clinical data.

"We finally have a technique for a woman that is comparable in simplicity, accessibility and safety to vasectomy in men," said Dr. Barbara Levy, a national expert in endoscopic surgery practicing in Seattle. "Although the complications of surgical tubal ligation are uncommon, when they occur they may be life threatening. The rare deaths associated with tubal ligation were unacceptable in my mind."

Another advantage for busy mothers is that the procedure eliminates the time spent recovering from surgery.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Women Outdo Men in Memory Test

A recent study conducted by the University of London has concluded that women possess stronger memory than men. The study examined 9,600 people, each around the age of 50 years. The researchers observed that all the women in middle age had a better memory level than the men.The first stage of the memory test saw the participants first listening to 10 words then recalling them in next 2 minutes.

Pregnancy during menopause; Is it Possible?

It seems unlikely that when you are entering the menopause stage in your life that you can become pregnant. Although the chances that you could become pregnant are lowered because of the irregularity of ovulation, it is true that you could become pregnant. Because you are still having your period, although irregularly, you are still ovulating, and therefore can still become pregnant. So even though you are now just entering your menopause years, there is still a chance you could become pregnant.

Menopause in the recent years has opened up many women to enjoy their sex lives. Due to the elimination of having to use protection in order to prevent pregnancy, the sexual inclination has had a higher rave. So when it comes to pregnancy during menopause then the emotions can be mixed. Some women feel that they are too old to have children and the stress of having a pregnancy during menopause can be increased.

The options available to you when you are pregnant during menopause are not limited, although they way seem that way. Many women choose to terminate their pregnancy because they feel that they are too old to take car of a baby, and the demands on the body are just too great. However on the flip side of the coin some women are very happy to find out that they are pregnant during menopause. They feel like women as they did in their youthful years. It means that they can still do their duties as women and that can also prove to provide them with a glow.

It is important to discuss pregnancy or any kind with your partner, especially during menopause. You and your partner should discuss the options available to you. With emotions flaring, don't be afraid to say what you need to say in order to deal with your pregnancy. Pregnancy during menopause is another challenge that can only be faced through proactive cooperation.

While if you find out you are pregnant during menopause, you need to think about what is best for you, and what is best for the baby. It is useless to pint fingers and shift blame. Your emotions are going to be all over the place because you are dealing with two major hormonal shifting and unbalancing. Don't feel pressured to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way.

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Birth Defects Deliver More Reasons to Quit Smoking

Recently, a cashier with a round, pregnant belly raced back to her post after a smoke break and explained to her customer that she was sneaking cigarettes when the baby's father would not notice. She seemed oblivious to the harm her addiction could be causing the child.

But now there is a new way for mothers to gently break the cigarette habit, and it comes at a time when medical experts are finding increasingly alarming reasons for pregnant women to wean themselves from nicotine and tobacco.

The cigarette cessation product called Bravo provides a placebo smoke that contains no nicotine or tobacco, allowing the mother to cease taking in these harmful and addictive products, while avoiding the extra stress of not holding a cigarette or lighting up.

Just as a child finds comfort in a favorite blanket or toy, many smokers find their empty hands terribly hard to deal with. The Bravo smoke fills this void and allows the mother to focus on reshaping a healthier lifestyle for herself and her child.

The child may be the biggest beneficiary in this. The medical journal "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" reported that smoking leads to an increased risk of having babies with webbed fingers and toes, and missing or extra fingers and toes. The study concluded that smoking half a pack a day increased the risk of having a baby with digit abnormalities by 29 percent. The study, which looked at live births in the United States in 2001 and 2002, recorded 5,171 infants with such defects.

Additional cigarettes bring even more alarming results, increasing the child's risk by as much as 78 percent. These defects can lead to surgery and other unwanted complications for the infant.

Digits are formed in the earliest part of pregnancy, so damage could be done before a woman knows she is pregnant. This possibility, coupled with the overwhelming scientific evidence that all cigarette smokers and their families are harmed by the addiction, provides a sound argument to begin a cessation program.

Created by pharmacist Puzant Torigian, chairman and founder of Safer Smokes Inc., the Bravo smoke replaces the usual, toxic cigarette with a non-addictive alternative made from enzyme-treated lettuce leaves. It is the only clinically tested, non-nicotine smoking product available, Torigian said.

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Interview on Bizymoms

I recently did a written interview for the website Bizymoms.com. It was the first time I had been invited to do an interview, so I figured what the heck. They bravely posted the interview, despite the fact that my responses could be seen as controversial. You can find it here.

Best Tips On Getting Pregnant

The best tips on getting pregnant include understanding your reproductive cycle, understanding conception positions and paying attention to your overall health. Getting pregnant and pregnancy is a wonderful event that is complex, satisfying and exciting. Here are seven best tips on getting pregnant:

1. Know your most fertile time - generally, ovulation occurs about 14 days before your next period begins. So if your cycle is a 28-day one, that could make day #14 your most fertile (day #1 is the first day that your last period began). If yours is a 30-day cycle, day #16 could be the time to go for it.

2. Track your basal body temperature - you'll need an inexpensive basal thermometer to chart the slight elevations in your body temperature upon awakening each day that signal your fertile time.

3. Watch for cervical mucus - this can be one of the best tips on getting pregnant since ovulation causes a change in the appearance and consistency of cervical mucus. By checking yourself each day, you'll be able to see the 'egg-white-like' vaginal discharge that indicates ovulation and fertile time.

4. Have sex using the missionary position - the time-proven 'man-on-top' position works with gravity to encourage semen flow toward the uterus to maximize the chance of a sperm uniting with the egg and causing conception. One of the related best tips on getting pregnant is -- after ejaculation, the woman can remain on her back with her legs bent a few minutes to further maximize semen flow toward the uterus.

5. Eliminate smoking and alcohol - not only will doing so benefit your health, when you do become pregnant, you'll not expose the developing fetus to the harmful effects of smoking and alcohol.

6. Take the best vitamin/mineral/nutritional supplement you can find - taking one of the cheap one-a-day vitamins is probably a waste of time and money. Vitamins and minerals are just the beginning. Taking a high-quality, broad-spectrum nutritional supplement helps fill in the dietary gaps that everyone will have. The body needs and will use nutrients such as amino acids, antioxidants, bioflavanoids, neuronutrients, enzymes and other nutrients such as L-Carnosine, alpha lipoic acid, acetyl L-Carnitine and so on.

7. Adopt a healthy lifestyle - this is one of the most important best tips on getting pregnant. Healthy living includes having a sensible diet with nutritional supplements, adequate quality sleep, managing stress, reasonable exercise and weight management.

And finally, just relax and enjoy your partner. Trying too hard is not one of the recommended best tips on getting pregnant.

Your desire to become pregnant and having that special child will have even more significance to you if it means you'll be taking better care of yourself and your partner. Not only does that mean a more healthy you, it also means you'll increase the chances of having a healthier baby.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

What is so special about maternity clothes?

Maternity clothes are designed to make a women look and feel more comfortable when they are pregnant. It is important for women to wear clothes that will fit them well and not be too restrictive when they are pregnant as well as making them look and feel good about their body. This is going to be the difficult part for most of the women today. No matter what they find, it never seems to be good enough for them.

Pregnant women will find that over a time period of nine months, her body can make so many different changes. This is going to be easily noticed by others and hard to deal with by the mother to be. It is difficult watching their bellies expand as well as their bottoms and thighs. This is all part of being pregnant. Women will have to find clothes to fit them in all the right places when they are pregnant. It is important for the clothes to be loose fitting in the waist and flattering in all the other parts of the body.

Not only does a woman have to choose maternity clothes for their exterior appearances, they also have to wear under garments that are made especially for women. It is important for women to wear underwear that are made to stretch. Women may also find it necessary to buy special bras to fit their newly formed body.

Not only will a women's belly grow when pregnant, their bust line will sometimes get bigger too. It may be a necessity for the pregnant lady to fit a bra that fits them more comfortably as well as give them the support that they must have in order to avoid the dreaded stretch marks on their chest.

There are so many different designer and creators of maternity clothes now that women will be able to find an outfit for just about any occasion and for any budget. You may not want to spend a lot of money on these clothes because they are only going to be used for a few months. However, these clothes are going to be a very important thing in this women's life. They will determine how these ladies feel while their bodies are changing.

There are fun and flirty maternity clothes as well as clothes made for causal everyday. There are also many clothing options for a woman to wear to the office or to work. Women will have the chance to wear fabulous clothes that will allow them to still be comfortable too.

Feeling special is one of the main things that maternity clothes designers try to achieve. Their goal is to design clothes to flatter and enhance the figures of the mothers to be. When a woman feels special in their maternity clothes, they will feel better inside too. The months of being pregnant will fly by when women has better options for what they wear. You can find more about maternity clothes on http://www.all-about-maternity-clothes.com/

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is defined as 'the period from conception to birth when a woman carries a developing fetus in her uterus'. Let us see some of the common symptoms of pregnancies among women.

Missing the period is the most common sign and indication of pregnancy. However a variety of other reasons such as stress, illness, and weight fluctuations etc also can cause the late or missed periods. Missing periods normally can also be a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition in which periods can occur months apart. Hence one has to observe rather examine the other symptoms to confirm the pregnancy. Another important symptom of pregnancy is the change in the size and feel of the breast immediately after the conception. Breasts begin to enlarge to get ready for breast feeding and women claim that the breasts become sensitive and they experience a very sharp and twinkling sensation. . Another most common symptom of pregnancy is nausea and vomiting normally seen among women. This is also known as morning sickness. A feeling of sickness is also being experienced by most women from the fifth and sixth week of the pregnancy. The morning sickness can start as early as 2 weeks of pregnancy.. The degree of nausea and vomiting differs from person to person. Mostly this symptom may disappear after period of 3 to 4 months. Most of the pregnant woman experience tiredness and fatigue.

Frequent urination is also a common feature among pregnant women within 2-3 weeks after consumption due to the reduction in the size of the bladder . Drastic change in the taste and smell is also another factor resulting in craving for certain foods and start hating certain other types of food. All the above symptoms though normally confirm the pregnancy a clinical cal test is the ultimate proof.

One can confirm pregnancy by conducting the small home pregnancy test by detecting the level of HCG in the urine and if the result is positive one may need to make an appointment with family doctor to confirm the pregnancy and to start the follow up. Like the home pregnancy test the office urine test also confirms pregnancy by detecting the level of HCG in the urine.

Similarly a blood test can also be made that may give a positive or negative results normally conducted when there are apprehensions of miscarriage or unusual pregnancy. After a period 0f 4 to 6 weeks the obstetrician can confirm the pregnancy by a physical examination. The thickening of the vaginal tissues and softening uterus confirms the pregnancy.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein is not intended to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding pregnancy. Prior to beginning any treatment regimen or taking any medication, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor for advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual situation.

Vitamin D May Prevent Flu and Asthma

The AJCN just published a new controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements on flu and asthma (1). Dr. Hiroyuki Ida's group gave Japanese schoolchildren (10 years average age) 1,200 IU of vitamin D3 or placebo per day from December through March. They found that children taking vitamin D had a significantly lower incidence of influenza A but not influenza B. These are two strains of flu that each accounted for roughly half the flu incidence in this population. Sadly, if you add the total flu incidence for A and B together (which the authors don't do in their tables), vitamin D supplementation didn't reduce total flu incidence significantly.

They also found that in the subset of children not already taking vitamin D supplements, the effect was greater, with unsupplemented children contracting nearly three times as many influenza A infections as children receiving vitamin D. They didn't analyze the influenza B or total influenza incidence in that way, so we don't know if prior supplementation makes a difference there.

The most striking finding of the paper is that the vitamin D group suffered from 6 times fewer asthma attacks than the placebo group. This needs to be repeated but it's consistent with other data and I find it very encouraging.

The paper did have some limitations. They didn't measure vitamin D status so they have no way to know exactly how effective their pill-based supplements were.

Another problem is that they began collecting data immediately after beginning supplementation. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can take 3 months to reach maximum concentration in the body following supplementation. By the time the children were reaching their maximum serum concentration of vitamin D, the trial was over. It would be nice to see the next trial begin supplementation in the fall and look at flu incidence in the winter.

This paper comes on the heels of another showing that vitamin D is necessary for the activation of an immune cell called the killer T cell (2). These are important for resistance to infections and cancer. Overall, these papers add to the accumulating evidence that vitamin D is important for the proper functioning of the human immune system. However, mice may not be the best model for use in studying vitamin D biology. From the first paper:
The evolution of different mechanisms for the regulation of PLC-γ1 activity in human and mouse T cells parallels the development of divergent VDR-dependent and VDR-independent antimicrobial pathways in human and mouse macrophages31, respectively, and may reflect the fact that mice are nocturnal animals with fur and humans are daytime creatures that synthesize vitamin D in the skin after exposure to ultraviolet light.
In other words, mice don't use vitamin D in the same way as humans because they have a different evolutionary relationship to it.

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Medicare You Can Buy Into Act - Grayson (D-FL)

Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida has authored H.R. 4789. The Bill, titled "Medicare You Can Buy Into Act" or "Public Option Act", would open up Medicare enrollment to US residents of all ages 19 and above. The link below is for this bill, which is only four pages long.Read The Bill Here

Healthy Pregnancy Tip: Supplements To Avoid

Prenatal vitamins are an important source of folate and other vital nutrients during pregnancy. And many women, with the popularity of herbal medicine, take other herbs during pregnancy. Some of these herbs they may have been taking before, for an existing condition. Others, they may take to help cope with some of the physical difficulties that go with pregnancy. The following supplements and food additives should be avoided during pregnancy to avoid potential problems with the health of the baby.

  • Quinine - Quinine is found in many drinks like tonic water, and these are popular as a result of their slightly bitter taste. But it was found that one woman who drunk more than 1 liter of tonic water a day whilst she was pregnant had a baby that was suffering withdrawal symptoms when it was born. It had nervous tremors within a day of being born, which disappeared two months later. Germany's BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) recommends that pregnant women treat quinine drinks, no matter how small the amount of quinine in them, as a medicinal product, and avoid them as a precaution during pregnancy.

  • Ginseng - One of the more than 20 active constituents of ginseng was found by researchers at the Chinese University of the Hong Kong Prince of Wales Hospital to be a possible cause for concern for pregnant women. These researchers were measuring the effect of this active principle on fetal development in rats. And they found that, relating to the dose, rat embryonic development was affected. Higher doses meant a higher level of abnormalities, according to the markers of development their study used.

    Now, this study was one done on rat embryos, and so may not translate into similar effects on humans. And it only studied the effects of one of ginseng's active constituents, which was a ginsenoside called Rb1. Ginseng actually has over 20 ginsenosides, and other studies have found that these each have different actions.

    One of the difficulties with studying active constituents in herbal medicine is that the whole herbal extract may have a very different overall effect than a single constituent. This is because of the way active principles both work together and counteract each other. These two aspects, the fact that the study was not done on humans, and does not measure the overall effect of the whole ginseng extract, mean that its results should be treated cautiously. As a safety precaution, at this time it is best to at least avoid ginseng supplements during the first trimester, as the authors of the study suggest, and probably for the whole of the pregnancy. But ginseng should certainly not be branded dangerous as a result of this research as it is only a very preliminary finding in the overall picture, and more points the way as to where further research needs to be done.

  • Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo biloba is another supplement that is best avoided whilst pregnant. Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit found one of the constituents of ginkgo biloba in the placenta of women who had taken ginkgo supplements. This particular constituent, an alkaloid called colchicine, can be fatal in high doses, though medicinally, it has great anti-inflammatory effects. Other research has found that cochicine can harm a growing fetus. The potential problem with taking ginkgo supplements regularly whilst pregnant is that colchicine can build up in the womb, like caffeine when taken in excess of the recommended maximum amounts. The researchers did stress that there was no link established in the study between ginkgo and complications in the pregnancy, the study only looked at levels of colchicine in the womb.

References: http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/news/ng.asp?id=60554 http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/news/ng.asp?id=25810 http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/news/ng.asp?id=20934

A False Dichotomy

In the discussion section of the last post, the eternal argument about non-industrial people arose: were their lives (a) "nasty, brutish and short" (Hobbes), or were they (b) "noble savages" (Shaftesbury) living in Eden? The former argument states that they had awful lives, and we should be glad we're living int he 21st century. The latter argument implies that we should emulate them as much as possible. Each side is bursting with anecdotes to support their position.

Any time the discussion reaches this point, it stops providing us anything useful. The argument is a false dichotomy, one in which neither answer is correct. The correct answer is (c): none of the above. Some aspects of hunter-gatherer life are preferable to ours, and some aspects of our lives are preferable to theirs. Understanding that we spent a lot of evolutionary time as hunter-gatherers, as well as a few thousand years in small, tightly knit agricultural communities, may be useful in understanding how to work constructively with our own bodies and minds in the modern world.

So please, let's leave behind the false dichotomy and foster a more nuanced understanding of hunter-gatherer life.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

How To Use A Pregnancy Test

The question of whether or not you are pregnant is often one of the most exciting, anxious, and stressful queries that affect not only your health, but your life. There are different types of pregnancy tests on the market or available through your primary health care provider. Typically, the actual steps for using a pregnancy test are quite easy and can be performed in the comfort of your own home. However, the results of a home pregnancy test should always be confirmed with a blood test performed by your primary health care provider.

By far, the most commonly used method of pregnancy test is those that use urine to detect the hormone associated with pregnancy. This hormone is triggered when an embryo implants in the uterine wall, but it can also be produced if an embryo mistakenly implants in the Fallopian tubes, which is known as an ectopic tubal pregnancy. There are two different types of pregnancy tests. The first type can produce more accurate results, but may prove to be too messy. A cup is provided to catch urine, after which the urine is collected and a special stick or other device is inserted in the urine. Sometimes, the stick or device is dipped directly into the urine filled cup for a certain amount of time. Other times, a small eye dropper is provided to perform a more accurate version of the same test.

Although this method of urine testing may be more accurate, the devices meant to collect urine in mid stream are the most popular. These sticks are usually found over the counter in your local drug store or grocery store and can be completed within seconds. Instead of a more scientific project, this type of urine based pregnancy test is preferred by women because of the lack of steps. Simply hold the stick in a stream of urine for a specific amount of time—usually a few seconds—and then wait for the results. As opposed to sticks that are more difficult to read, there are a couple companies that now have models on the market that have a digital read out system. Also, there are models available that allow you to determine whether or not you are pregnant much sooner than traditional home based tests.

For a more accurate test that can detect whether or not you are pregnant before a urine based test. This test must be performed in your physician's office and will require a few vials of blood drawn. After the blood is drawn, tests are performed to detect the presence and the amount of the hormone associated with pregnancy. Keep in mind that you should always have a blood test performed after you have received a positive reading for a home pregnancy urine based test.

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

The Paleolithic Mind

I went to a meditation retreat this week with the Red Cedar Zen community in Bellingham. It was a good experience. Staring at a wall from 6 am to 9 pm for a few days gives you the opportunity to learn a few things about your mind. Some of these are things you already know on some level, but you just need to have them reinforced. For example, the weight of psychological stress that we carry in modern societies like the US. It's only when it goes away for a while that you can see how heavy it was.

I'm totally ignorant of the scientific literature on this, but the way I see it, there are at least two main sources of psychological stress in the modern world for which we aren't well equipped as human beings:
  • Being eternally and inescapably subordinate in a large social structure
  • Having too many responsibilities such as possessions and obligations
I recently read an excellent article by Michael Finkel in National Geographic magazine on the Hadza of Tanzania. The Hadza are a hunter-gatherer group living in a way that may resemble how our ancestors lived for most of the last million years. Here are a few characteristics of the Hadza lifestyle as described by the author:
The Hadza do not engage in warfare [although they do have homicide]. They've never lived densely enough to be seriously threatened by an infectious outbreak. They have no known history of famine; rather, there is evidence of people from a farming group coming to live with them during a time of crop failure. The Hadza diet remains even today more stable and varied than that of most of the world's citizens. They enjoy an extraordinary amount of leisure time. Anthropologists have estimated that they "work"—actively pursue food—four to six hours a day. And over all these thousands of years, they've left hardly more than a footprint on the land.
This isn't intended to idealize their lifestyle, but to point out that being a hunter-gatherer has its advantages. One of these is a minimal social structure in which each person is has full authority over himself:
The Hadza recognize no official leaders. Camps are tra­ditionally named after a senior male (hence, Onwas's camp), but this honor does not confer any particular power. Individual autonomy is the hallmark of the Hadza. No Hadza adult has authority over any other. None has more wealth; or, rather, they all have no wealth. There are few social obligations—no birthdays, no religious holidays, no anniversaries.
Even "marriage" doesn't carry much obligation. The author describes the Hadza as "serial monogamists". The idea of an eternal bond between two individuals doesn't exist. Women are not subordinate to men:
Gender roles are distinct, but for women there is none of the forced subservience knit into many other cultures. A significant number of Hadza women who marry out of the group soon return, unwilling to accept bullying treatment. Among the Hadza, women are frequently the ones who initiate a breakup—woe to the man who proves himself an incompetent hunter or treats his wife poorly. In Onwas's camp, some of the loudest, brashest members were women.
Contrast this with modern civilizations in which everyone has a boss-- whether it's at a job, in a marriage or under your country's legal system. I think this feeling of perpetual subordination is destructive to an animal such as ourselves, that has spent so much of its existence mostly free of these pressures.

The author says this about their possessions:
Traditional Hadza, like Onwas and his camp mates, live almost entirely free of possessions. The things they own—a cooking pot, a water container, an ax—can be wrapped in a blanket and carried over a shoulder.
This resembles other African hunter-gatherer groups that have few and simple tools. From the book The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society:
!Kung tools are few in number, lightweight, made from locally available materials, and multipurpose.
Again, this is in sharp contrast to the modern world, where we have so many belongings it's impossible to keep track of them all. We have giant houses that we "need" to store all these things, and still it doesn't seem like enough. Many of our possessions are indispensable if we want to fit in to society. We need (or feel we need) clothes, cookware, identification, money, transportation, furniture, tools, sports gear, et cetera. Having to be responsible for this extraordinary quantity of possessions (by evolutionary standards) is a heavy weight on our minds.

Unfortunately, we have more than just possessions on our minds. To live in the modern world is to be pricked to death by a thousand small responsibilities. Remember to make your lunch. Remember to make a doctor's appointment, shop for groceries, tie your shoes, get your oil changed, send that e-mail, make dinner, go for a jog, vacuum the floor, take a shower, pick up the kids-- the list is endless. Are our memories as defective as we think they are, or are we simply not designed to keep track of so many details?

In hunter-gatherer times, we had stress. Homicide, accidents, infectious disease and predation were always stalking us. But it was a totally different kind of stress-- it was occasional, powerful and brief rather than a constant flow of obligations clogging the paths of our minds. Most days were leisurely, with plenty of time for gossiping, staring at the clouds and dozing off.

Those times are gone for us, but perhaps keeping them in mind can help us live more constructively in the modern world. I find that meditation helps keep the thousand pricks of modern life in perspective, perhaps bringing my mind closer to the paleolithic state.

Maternity Clothes Trends

For most women, the most stylish maternity clothes solution is to wear stretch classic jeans and a man's white oxford shirt. However, the day comes when they face the inevitable: the visit to a maternity clothes store, either for a special occasion outfit, or to browse the plus size maternity clothes section in search for the most flattering solution to their style dilemmas. So what exactly should an expecting mom look for in maternity clothes, either regular or plus-size ones?

For the first few months most women can get along with the wardrobe they already have. Slightly bigger breasts and increased waistline will make them sexier, not bigger. But when regular clothes do not work anymore, most women prefer to forget about fashion trends and cocoon themselves into shapeless dresses or high-waist slacks paired with voluptuous sweaters.

First of all, don't try to hide your condition. It's chic to be pregnant today, and young Hollywood stars happily get pregnant whenever they want – and remain fashionable and glowing till the delivery. Today it's much more flattering to show off your belly than to hide it under layers of clothes. The most current maternity outfits are sleek numbers that let your curvy silhouette show.

Happy Hippie. You will be perfectly stylish in free-flowing ethnic skirts, kaftans and yoke dresses that accommodate a growing belly. Airy tunics and patterned blousons look equally great with oversize cardigans, perhaps with a wide belt under the belly, or on their own, with a tiny capelet for warmth. This trend also embraces the wide empire-waisted and baby-doll dresses that can be worn over the maternity pants and jeans. Best designers working in this style: Alberta Ferretti, Anna Sui.

Bold Accessories. Keep the visual details on top. A scarf, a capelet, a bolero jacket in contrasting colors, virtually anything that accentuates the shoulders and bust line are very flattering. Layering with ponchos and shawls will complete the look, if you go for a loose bohemian style. Halter-type necklines are also very flattering, because in most women their neck and arms look the same even if the rest of the body grows at enormous speed.

Skip Underwires. When your bust is growing, a thick shelf bra is healthier than a bra with metallic wiring underneath. The sports bra will also do the trick. It will allow more room and support while you grow.

Wear Jeans. Today denim designers offer maternity versions of their most popular models. Citizen of Humanity, Seven For Mankind and Earl Jeans have maternity lines, as well as Juicy, in a variety of denim washes. Wear your maternity jeans low-slung, embroidered and slimming with contrasting washes.

Multifunctional Suits. With modern maternity suits you can easily switch from day to night, as they do double duty. You can dress them down with a t-shirt for a day or add a silk blouse or tunic for the night. The most charming maternity suits are made of wool and cotton, with blouses made of charmeuse and chiffon. Menswear plaids and pinstripes also look charming on pregnant women. Choose the size wisely: if you can stick two fingers between the waistline and the fabric of your new skirt or pants, it's too big and will stay so, even when you grow.

Don't Bare Too Much Skin. Revealing the growing belly may do the trick for Britney Spears, but not many women can do that with flare. Pregnancy is the beautiful period of life, but wearing too skimpy clothes will just look tacky.

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

H1N1 vaccine: Phases II, III human trials begin today

The Serum Institute of India will begin phase II and III human clinical trials of the nasal spray vaccine against the H1N1 virus at two sites in Pune and three other centres on Monday. The virus has claimed 201 lives in Pune itself.Dr Prasad Kulkarni, director of clinical trials at the institute, told Newsline on Sunday that they had received the required approval from the Drug Controller General

Bathing A Newborn Baby

Do you want your baby handed to you immediately after the birth or should he be cleaned first? In recent years most babies were wiped down with a towel immediately after birth before mum or dad got a chance to hold them. Nowadays choice is the keyword! It's your decision.

Research shows that the greasy film covering your baby, vernix, is a wonderful source of moisture for your baby's delicate skin. And if you don't wipe it off, it is reabsorbed. So your baby will be less likely to develop dry skin patches. Pre-term babies have much more of this protective layer than full-term babies.

In the womb your baby is submerged in amniotic fluid, so vernix is absolutely necessary for providing waterproof protection. After birth, however, mother nature may need a helping hand!

Returning home can be daunting for new parents. Giving baby his first bath can be terrifying!

Your baby does not need a special bath although many parents are well tooled up for the new arrival. A clean sink or the big bath will suffice!

Probably the main worry for parents is getting the water temperature correct. After ensuring you have all baby's bits and bobs at hand, such as a changing mat, towel, fresh nappy, vest and clean clothes, place the baby in a safe place.

Run cold water into the bath first.

Top it up with hot water. Swirl the water around to avoid hot spots.

Dip your elbow into the water to check the temperature. It should be lukewarm. As the skin on your elbow is very sensitive it is a reliable way to test the water.

If you like you can add a little moisturising, hypoallergenic, baby bubble bath. Swirl it around with your fingers. Young babies do not need bubbles to play with!

Undress and wrap baby in a warm towel. Holding him over the bath, cup some bath water in your free hand and gently run it over his head. Shampoo is not necessary for very tiny babies as it can irritate their scalp.

Dry the baby's head thoroughly. Babies lose a lot of heat through their heads. Wet heads lose more heat.

Placing baby's neck in the crook of your elbow, and your hand holding the back of one of his legs, gently lower him into the water. (TIP If you are right-handed it is easier to place babies neck in the crook of your left elbow. Holding his left leg with your left hand, wash him with your right hand. The reverse is the case if you are left-handed.)

Some babies hate being bathed but many really enjoy it. He may become so relaxed that he falls asleep!

Cupping some water in your free hand gently trickle it over his body. Your do not need to rub or scrub as babies do not get dirty. They just need to be freshened up!

Be careful as he will get very slippery once he is wet!

Only keep baby in the bath for a short time as he will get cold quickly and never leave your baby unattended in the bath for even the shortest space of time.

Lift him out and wrap him up in his warm towel.

Quickly dry him and place a fresh nappy on him before he has any little accidents!

Finally, give him a big cuddle and dress him quickly...

And there you have it - baby's first bath!